Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Enjoy Playing Clapping Game To Pat A Cake Rhyme

"Pat a cake, also widely known as pat-a-cake, baker's man", "Pat-a-cake", "patty-cake" or "pattycake" is one of the oldest surviving English nursery rhymes. It is a delightful rhyme about baking delicious cake. The rhyme is often accompanied by hand clapping between two kids, a clapping game. But what is clapping game? If you're not familiar with clapping games, don't worry.
Let's learn about clapping game, it's very simple and fun.

Usually, the clapping game is played between two players. It involves clapping as a rhythmic accompaniment to singing of nursery rhymes. So, teach the lyrics to Pat a cake rhyme to your kids and they’ll enjoy playing clapping game to this fun rhyme.

Playing clapping games provides fun and enjoyment to kids and preschoolers. These games can be enjoyed indoors, outdoors or on school trips. From a simple toddler game of “Pat-a-cake”, to the more challenging game such as “Down, Down, Baby!”, children will enjoy the clapping games with their friends and siblings.

Pat A Cake, A Fun Clapping Game
Do you know how to play clapping game to Pat a cake rhyme? Here is an easy direction for playing the game. This fun-filled song can be accompanied by hand-clapping between two kids. It alternates between a normal individual clap with two-handed claps with the other player. To add some more fun and for a complex sequence of clapping, hands may be crossed. But, the hand clapping must be well coordinated between two players.

 For our little players, you can replace letter, “B” and the word, “baby” in the last two lines with child's first initial and first name. Isn't that a fun?

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