“Incy Wincy Spider”, also known as “Itsy Bitsy Spider” is a well-known nursery rhyme and fingerplay that tells about an adventure of a spider, who ascends and descends the waterspout several times. To make the rhyme more interesting, enjoy “Incy Wincy Spider” fingerplay along with your children.
Importance of introducing Fingerplay to kids
Fingerplay is a hand action or movement combined with singing to entertain kids and engage their interest. In most of the preschools, teacher uses fingerplay to introduce rhymes and new concepts to preschoolers. Moreover, fingerplay also help little learners to develop fine motor co-ordination and following directions skills.
Enjoy Incy Wincy Spider fingerplay
So, let's have some fun with “Incy Wincy Spider” fingerplay song. It is one of the most popular rhyme that incorporate fingerplay. On “The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the waterspout”, alternately touch the thumb of one hand to other hands' index finger. On “Down came the rain”, hold both hands up and wiggle all the fingers as the hands are lowered. To “and washed the spider out”, sweep the hands from side to side. On “Out came the sun”, raise both hands and sweep to the sides to form a semicircle as if forming a sun. To “and dried up all the rain”, Wiggle fingers upwards. On “and the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again”, repeat as in the first line.
Accompany the “Incy Wincy Spider” rhyme by a sequence of gestures and have fun along with your little ones!
Importance of introducing Fingerplay to kids
Fingerplay is a hand action or movement combined with singing to entertain kids and engage their interest. In most of the preschools, teacher uses fingerplay to introduce rhymes and new concepts to preschoolers. Moreover, fingerplay also help little learners to develop fine motor co-ordination and following directions skills.
Enjoy Incy Wincy Spider fingerplay
So, let's have some fun with “Incy Wincy Spider” fingerplay song. It is one of the most popular rhyme that incorporate fingerplay. On “The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the waterspout”, alternately touch the thumb of one hand to other hands' index finger. On “Down came the rain”, hold both hands up and wiggle all the fingers as the hands are lowered. To “and washed the spider out”, sweep the hands from side to side. On “Out came the sun”, raise both hands and sweep to the sides to form a semicircle as if forming a sun. To “and dried up all the rain”, Wiggle fingers upwards. On “and the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again”, repeat as in the first line.
Accompany the “Incy Wincy Spider” rhyme by a sequence of gestures and have fun along with your little ones!
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